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[microsound] re: on working methods for live performance
"in a way ambient music/sound is always off-center...
This type of material is ... aiming in a different
direction then alot of music/sound out there (the
protagonist at the center of the song)..."
upon hearing electronic ambient music for the first
time in '91 (i'm guessing i'm a bit younger then a
good lot of you) the resounding impression left with
me was that for the first time i couldn't place what
the composer might've been doing physically to make
the sounds i was experiencing... it was the most
liberating thing for the mullet wearing 15yo death
metal fanatic i was. finaly, the images of the mtv
cultivated rock band video were smashed, gone, dated,
done away with. no more hippy styled blind worshipping
of guitarists whose cool status was assured the second
they took the stage. no images meant no posing. no
nothing, just sound from here on out and i loved it
straight off.
"Sound is after all more about hearing then seeing."
speaking from an mtv generation point of view...
concidering how the music industry survives on
constantly pushing new product to see what sticks,
image is essential in not only identifying/branding
target audiences, it's also used to cover up for lots
of bad or mundane pop pap...in this way, mtv has
taught us to "watch with our eyes". males the world
over dont salivate when britney spears sings. it's an
irrefutable fact. her voice is cack. however, show her
shaking her fake tits, sticking her back water
louisianna ass out for the camera while making cutesy
girly faces and all shortcomings in her musical talent
are forgiven.
awesome thread, good to hear from so many people.
carl kruger
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