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RE: [microsound] Re:yet more..... on working methods for live performance

richard chartier:
i find it funny that people are still so up in arms about laptop
performances and "is she/he checking his email"

i prefer to just sit back and listen... i dont want to know what the
artist is using. "what software do you use"
i have said it a million times... i want to see the magician pull the
rabbit out of the hat... but i dont want to see the guy underneath

magic implied or real is still magic. does that make sense?

i prefer just to shut my eyes and listen to a live performance....

Michael A Doherty:
This is along the lines of what I was saying...
Is it the music that matters, or the performance?  Are we in it for the
music or for the audience.  I think that each answer may be different, and
for different reasons for each musicker.
For me, at least right now, for my art music I am completely focused on the
music.  If I get the music right, the audience will have no choice but to
listen and be involved (majic & visiting the "other" in Martin Buber terms).
For my rock-blues band it is half and half.  The music is important, and
performing it in the presence of an audience in the hopes that they are
moved by it (Our harmonica played said at one time that he was going to
"rock their panties off... if they are wearing any".  I don't think that he
was referring to just the women).
Have a good day microsounders!


-----Original Message-----
From: richard chartier / LINE [mailto:chartier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 7:21 AM
To: microsound
Subject: [microsound] Re:yet more..... on working methods for live

thought i would chime in on this again.

i find it funny that people are still so up in arms about laptop
performances and "is she/he checking his email"

i prefer to just sit back and listen... i dont want to know what the
artist is using. "what software do you use"
i have said it a million times... i want to see the magician pull the
rabbit out of the hat... but i dont want to see the guy underneath

magic implied or real is still magic. does that make sense?

i prefer just to shut my eyes and listen to a live performance.... i
dont care to watch how someone moves there faders or EQs.
i used to try to stay as still as possible during my performances just
so the audience would not feel as if they HAD to watch me.
because ultimately i dont want them watching me...i suggest they dont
watch... "watch with your ears" i dont use video/visuals for my solo
work for just this reason.
so people will really start to focus on the sound in and around them.
and doesnt set up some kind of subjective idea of "performance"

"i didnt get my money's worth... he didnt move very much" haha.

i had a wonderful experience at the Music Research Centre in York, UK
recently  that i wish i could have at every performance... i got a good
part of the day prior to the performance to work in the performance
space (which by the way has amazing acoustics and system) tailoring and
adjusting my pieces to the space. really playing  the space in a more
successful way than i normally do (do to limitations on sound check
times at most venues). i felt this really enhanced my "live"
performance.. since i had less of a fear of IS THIS SOUND GOING TO

anyway just some random thoughts



CD .  Overview [ 3particles, US ]
BOOK . design works in "CD-Art" book [ Rotovision, UK ]
CD .  William Basinski + Richard Chartier [ Spekk, Japan ]
CDROM .  00:dedaih [ Synchron, Switzerland ]

LIVE . "Chessmachine" (with COH) @ MUTEK [ Montreal ] June 2
CD .  "Chessmachine" [ Mutek_rec, Canada ] June
LIVE . Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art [ LA ] June 24
CD . "retrieval#3" on Placodes CD [ n160. Japan ] June/July

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