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Re: [microsound] re: on working methods for live performance

this is great insight! we should be truthful to our selfs in any action we take!

you covered a lot of ground in one post - but for me one thing resonated through the whole message - that which works for some may be pretentious, distracting or even irritating when done by another artist. what's important in that is to know who/what you are and not try to throw things in to satisfy others - if you do, it will most likely take away from your performance rather than add to it. do only what you feel is appropriate for your performance. the reaction will be more genuine and accurate. after all, what you should be doing here is sharing a part of yourself with the audience - so it it's not a part of you then you shouldn't be worrying about whether it's a part of your performance. and if it is, then it will probably fall into place without worrying about it.
hopefully that makes some sense...

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aka	jorge bachmann				sculpture-photography-sound
P.O.Box 15953
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M 415-706-9629
W 415-750-3517

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