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Re: [microsound] merzbow

I suggest giving 1930 a listen. It's still his harsh noise, but its very well done. It's true the earlier works were a bit more noise for noise's sake. Personally I feel he's lost his intuitive sense of sound manipulation a bit when switching to laptops, but he's regaining it more and more with every release. A Taste Of.. on Mego is not so great IMO, but recent works like Animal Magnetism are quite good.

- John

On Jul 6, 2004, at 11:08 PM, Thad Biggerstaff wrote:

i was always turned off by the all out unrelenting onslaught of noise in his early works (i know- thats precisely what some folks like in him, but i never did. i found it boring). But it seems he has become more eclectic in his approach since he started using laptops and such (animal noises! field recordings! combine that with well orchestrated noise and now hes talking...)

just my taste buds-

John Nowak wrote:

Potential? Merzbow has already produced tons of great material. I actually have a Merzbow t-shirt on right now...

- John

On Jul 6, 2004, at 10:32 PM, Thad Biggerstaff wrote:

I second the thanks. ive always thought merzbow had potential, and now i see id likely be really into some of his more recent work. time to order some laptop noise >:)

John Nowak wrote:

Thank you for the resource.

- John

On Jul 6, 2004, at 6:53 PM, Anthony Saunders wrote:

Hello Microsound list!

I used to lurk on this list a few years ago and have signed up again after realizing that I listen to an enormous amount of microsoundy music these days, not to mention my recent experimentation with Max/MSP and SoundHack...

And here I see a post related to Merzbow in the first digest I receive. Now I understand that Merzbow might be a bit on the loud obnoxious side compared to Richard Chartier or Bernhard Gunter, but he does use a pair of powerbooks and max/msp, reaktor, peak, etc, these days, so hopefully at least a few people on this list will find some use of my Merzbow annotated discography site:



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Thad Biggerstaff     instrumental@xxxxxxxxxxx

"Not to forget, I 'museumize' myself; so that then I pay myself a visit and find me again in all the relics, to hand down memories from one
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Thad Biggerstaff     instrumental@xxxxxxxxxxx

"Not to forget, I 'museumize' myself; so that then I pay myself a visit and find me again in all the relics, to hand down memories from one
to the other, like a genealogical tree, as if it were morning!" - Massimo Toniutti

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