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Re: [microsound] Droid3
Arie van Schutterhoef wrote:
looks interesting although seems marketed towards electro producers and
sounds a lot like the SIDstation...
"Mode 1: 10500 Hz, 8 bit,
Mode 2: 13300 Hz, 8 bit,
Quite a crappy sampling-rate.
Low-tech at its worse...
When I remember right it is built around a microcrontroler and uses its
buildin d/a converters hence the odd frequencys.
It should be cheap, such a chip costs ca. 5$. They are no DSPs so they
lack dedicated assembler commands (for instance for fft), but with
simple alghorhythms and limiting yourself to 8bit they can (digital) rock!
A simular project is the rozzbox:
but I recommend getting a developer board, hooking up to music-dsp
mailing list and create your own lowtech synths ;)
Malte Steiner
media art + development
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