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Re: [microsound] Philip Jeck and Janek Schaefer new CD
> also My new CD with Philip Jeck is released this week by Asphodel.
> We spent a week in Istanbul and a week in Athens using local vinyl finds as
> the source material. We first met when I was 8 so it's been a long time coming :->
Interesting... Your Cold Storage release on DSP Recordings is great (in my humble
opinion)! One of my favorite releases of the year, as well as from your discography.
And for those who don't know (plug plug), it's been available on the and/OAR site for the past couple months: http://www.and-oar.org/and_oar_distro.html
as well as several other very nice (plug plug) releases from other labels. :o)
Best Regards, Dale (pluggity plug-plug) Lloyd
Dale Lloyd: http://www.and-oar.org/dalelloyd.html
and/OAR: http://www.and-oar.org/