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Re: [microsound] the great depression of experimental music?

> Perhaps, but it's your assertion that the residue of
> history can only 
> have significance in the form of (commercially
> exchanged) recordings 
> that I disagree with.

No, my assertation was that there must BE a residue.
It was in response to someone dismissing music as

> They do, and there is a substantial portion of the
> planet without 
> telephone access, let alone net access. They still
> make music though.

Its kind of a tree falls in a forest thing and veering
a bit from our discussion about connectivity,
distribution, dissemination of musical forms.

> I'm not sure though, 
> that this demonstrates a /need/ for archival of
> music in a commercial 
> form, for example.

You keep adding commercial to my arguments. Perhaps
its not a bad thing as it keeps me aware of the monkey
on my back but i prefer to leave the door open for
exiting capitalism (just in case that is the way to
go) by thinking of these things in terms of resources.
Money is just one resource.

> And open-source efforts that match or surpass their
> commercial counterparts.

I will probably be rained upon with the wrath of hell
now, but I'll go ahead and say that I have yet to see
an example of this.

>   - We wouldn't have an internet at all without the
> publicly funded 
> programs that did the initial research.

True, but the way that connectivity branched out  and
became a widespread phenomenon across a wide range of
classes (mostly in the U.S.) really had more to do
with companies like Compuserve and AOL (as evil as
they are) jumping into the fray and provide people who
DIDN'T know the ways to access this net world.
Otherwise it might have just stayed locked in ivory
towers or locked in a defense department basement.


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