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RE: [microsound] the great depression of experimental music?
Hi J & all.. nice topic..
>i must agree that the signal to noise ratio for mediocre releases vs.
>release that really stand out .. is very, very poor....
well true but I guess we have to make the choice. Are we people who absorb
high rates of data and information or do we complain about it? I choose
life.. whoops wrong script.. I choose the former and a liberal use of the
delete key.
>this is what worries me about CDRs and MP3s. i love having something
>that goes along with the music,,,
Christopher from Fallt and I had a nice chat about this. I think the issue
at the moment (for me) isn't so much this physicality as the meta data that
goes with digital versions of music. There is really no talk about setting
benchmarks or standards for this extra-textual content. THAT is the area
that I would like to see more work in - I love my collection and the
packaging/design aspects too but I am also open to digital standards.
Symbiosis - Experimental Sound Textures and Rhythms
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102.7 FM / www.rrr.org.au
Melbourne, Australia
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