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[microsound] tomoroh news abundance
loads of news, some cents on depression further down,
hope you are all fine nonetheless!
1.)Tonight, 24.09.04 Live at the Waste-Time Continuum FM4 - Radio Broadcast (webstream)
2.)Tomorrow 25.09.04 Live - Fake-Japanese Standin, with Hans Platzgumer, Fluc Mensa
3.) 09.10.04 Hidari live at Restless at Gartenbaukino Vienna
4.) Out now on Isolate Records (u.s.) The Necrophonicon (ISOCD 13)
5.) ad: the great depression - 2cents
un diffusion extraordinaire des ondes radió:
24.09.04 tomoroh hidari live on radio fm4 >dog's bollocks<.
as a part of your valued friday late-night entertainment, austrian alternative radio station fm4 will diffuse a >live in the waste-time-continuum< special one-hour liveact by the reverend tomoroh.
starting time 2.20h (GMT+1) (so that is th 25th allready)
terrestrial frequency-info and webstream can be found on the fm4 page as well.
http://fm4.orf.at/ (the page is in german, the google-english version is hillarious, the stream button is quite on top!)
on short notice: due to the regrettable falling ill of CaMi Tokujiro, to whom our best get-well wishes go out, the >shinto< performance at fluc-mensa in vienna this coming saturday, sept. 25th had to be cancelled. tomoroh hidari has been invited to fill the spot, in order to have at least some fake-japanese element on the playlist. the other performances will take place as planned.
the original announcment reads: Samstag 25. September 2004
LIVE: HANS PLATZGUMER & SHINTO ( feat. Thomas Wuehr (D,dr) & CaMi Tokujiro (J, voc)
DJ DIDI >MOW< NEIDHART (skug) + Surprise Act fluc mensa, 22h
RESTLESS 09.10.04 gartenbaukino wien, 24.00h
Live-Acts :
wevie stonder (skam / uk)
tomoroh hidari (isolate, angelmaker / at)
amtrak (widerstand, tiefparterre / at)
patrick pulsinger (cheap / at)
umberto gollini (cheap / at)
ISO.13 CD. Tomoroh Hidari: The Necrophonicon.
This is the debut CD release from Viennese decomposer Tomoroh Hidari. Exploring a range of demonic and psychologically disturbed worlds, The Necrophonicon will surely please audiences seeking to look beneath and beyond the many predictable and topical surfaces that plague electronic music today. Illuminating the dark paths below via his LCD screen, Hidari injects abstract rhythms that seem to transfuse the fast pace of modern producers like Venetian Snares into a Coil-esque realm of psychedelic and post-industrial atmospheres. Obscure sound textures and eerie cries are heard echoing throughout this exploration into the crypts of the The Necrophonicon. Hidari is sure to instill surrealist's dreams upon headphone visitors to his subterrain! The disc is packaged in a C-shell case with a unique insert design.
For further information on Tomoroh Hidari, you can visit his website at: http://www.tomoroh.com/*
a list of distributors, which should carry this item in 1-2 weeks time, can be found on http://www.isolaterecords.com/
*(where there is another, more lovecraftian blurb offered for yer amusement...)
5.) ad: the great depression: doesn't the chinese sign for crisis also mean chance?
we might be in a depression atm because a lot has changed within the last 100 years, and we still struggle to catch up...
i think we will have to take the new media as a chance, even if it might take some time to figure out the best use. within this environment where music can be both made and distributed as easy as never before we need new ways of dividing good from bad maybe, but more important, we need to find ways of communicating to the audience/buyers, why in a world where tons of music are available for free, it does make sense to support good artists.
much more to say, too little time, will try to post some more thoughts later,
thank you,
tomoroh hidari
th_ost: tomoroh hidari_oliver stummer
acronymic symbiosis of alter & ego
>> necro'phon'i'con (from Greek: Necros- dead, phon- sound, icon -picture, representation; the book of dead sounds, or the image of dead sounds) a standard reference work for the acoustic oddities of pulp-occultist lore. made mostly from fragments of killed sounds, a franken- meets wittgenstein-ian creation playing duelling banjo's with all dsp available but no banjos....