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Re: [microsound] RE:Need advise on fragmenting myself

Well the sound i love was the first track on sogars ' basal' on 12k . . .
like bouncy almost bell like granulation . .tetsu inoue also does it well
but its more granulation of a whole pre composed piece  - the character has
msp written all over it i think  having just started trying this also  today
.. . .  .reading your post i get the idea now , ultimately its fun to
discover things as i do alot but your post was spot on . . . . and i think
sorted out my head about the approach etc - cheers for this . . .


> hey.. can you post an example or a filename so i can hear an example?
> i might be off, but what i think you mean is a single "percussion like"
> sample with a very short (ms) repeating or back and forth scanning loop
> point with a short amplitude envelope.
> sync the loop point to the bmp of the track and play the sample back at
> different pitches being careful to maintain the loop point bmp at
> multiples of the track bmp. ofcourse its best if you have multiple
> samples with multiple amplitude envelope lenghts.. use the loop point
> trick to get different frequencies/textures on each sound.
> throw the puppy through a feedback delay (ideally time sync'd at
> multiples of the track bmp) and tweak the feedback level and timing as
> you wish.
> you can do it with a basic sequencer or arpeggio generator, a sampler
> and a delay unit using your judgement to sync the timings.. or get
> perfect timing with csound and map the feedback delay controls to a midi
> controller for live fun.
> you get very fregmenting sounding pattern with a liquid quality of the
> feedback unit..
> i think this is what you mean.. but if im off let me know..
> j izam wrote:
> >Hi folks,
> >
> >                 can anyone  explain how stuff like sogar and sora  /
tetsu inoue styles of glitch music get made ? all these guys seems to have a
very similiar sound or it sounds like they use the same sofwtare , am i
deluded?:)(highly possible anyway).I can hear they use different musical
input but what cuts and chops and fragments it in such a  glass/crystaline
like fashion ?ive used alot of audio pc software like reaktor, does max do
this or can anyone point me in the direction of an ens or max object that
will fragement me nicely like this ?Any recommended max objects i should try
?some advice would be very cool or pointers .I simply want a good granulator
i guess ?
> >
> >regards
> >
> >jachin
> >
> >
> >
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