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Re: [microsound] Re: digital folk music --was Re: barcode MIDI
ndkent writes;
> On the subject of Live, I see it as a tool that can be both creative
> and/or curatorial in various degrees. I'm using the term curatorial to
> mean expressing yourself via choosing pre-formed or semi-formed
> elements you like. That certainly can be creative in a way but the
> additional level of expression entwined in forming rather than choosing
> is a different degree of expression. I'm sure this idea can be taken
> another step, to one of making the tools you create with. But I don't
> see this a coupled to expression the same way, in other words it only
> makes things more or less expressive in relation to ones ability to use
> the tools. Conversely I do see the process of selecting formed elements
> to be quite a different degree of expression than forming and selecting
> the elements - even though it's conceivable the result may be similar
> the quality of expression isn't.
Those are valid points, but much like the original message that compares
Live to folk music, I think this aplies more to popular electronic music in
general than that I think it´s a inherent property of this program. Live
alows you to restructure, manipulate and combine loops, there is no reason
why those loops would need to come from some external source.
Since years before Live arived, I´ve been working with material based on
repeated paterns and strugeling with conventional sequencers that are more
suitable for linear compositions and "patern sequencers" that only alow you
to loop as long as you are happy to have all your loops at the same length.
Personally i´m delighted with Live´s "unlinked" envelopes that alow one to
have automation on a clip that loops in a different time than the audio clip
itself. I want polymetric and poly rithmic elements to my work but drawing
all the controls manually in a conventional sequencer is a chore. Admittedly
Live is being used for a lot of bland and uninsprirering music but I find it
far less restricting than ordinary sequencers.
I like modular systems and their native sequencers, I like setting up loops
on three or four of them, looping at different timings which does not
combine well with conventional sequencers. Live does this very, very well
and there is harldly any operation in Live that demands you stop the audio
and thus damage your workflow.
This saves me a lot of time and hardships. Obviously it will also draw a lot
of people that are unwilling to deal with stuff that takes time and
hardships but I don´t think it´s fair to judge a program on some of it´s
users. Personally i think that´s akin to those people who dislike laptop
sets because they think those look like "somebody checking his email". Just
because they relate to computers mostly through checking their email doesn´t
mean computers can´t be used for anything else, it´s the same with Live.
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