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[microsound] [ot]Re: [microsound] Dr. Max Matthews (was our first .microsound poll )
Well, kerry spoke with content, sited significant historical happenings, and
even a quote from bush sr.'s book - bush spoke out of turn, replied with
agitation, and repeated lines like " we're working hard " and closed to say
" we've climbed the mountain and now we are looking into the valley of peace
" -
Glad people listened in -
"andrew jones" wrote:
>> In an off comment though, the debate tonite kicked Bush ass!
>> Yours,
>> K
> Really? I thought Bush came across as humane while
> Kerry came across cold and stern and failed to really
> show any points remarkably different than Bush's own policies.
> On The Daily Show Giuliani said Kerry lectured to the nation.
> Wesley Clark seemed cool though =)
> Andrew Jones
> 912 Euclid Ave.
> Birmingham, AL, 35213
> 407-927-7607
> aim: liminal18
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