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Re: [microsound] Re: us citizens... (OT)
Gregory Elliott wrote:
that's probably not the best way to start a conversation about this
kind of thing...there are barely-veiled insults in there that are
off-putting to the very people you hope to hear from.
I don't mean any of what I said to be insulting, and am not sure what would be taken as such other than the 'how could someone be conservative and an artist without a lot of cognitive dissonance?', particularly the 'cognitive dissonance' part. But, I don't mind my own political leanings shining through in the question, and that question is just what I'm trying to get a handle on. How can one make sense of being an arist, or being interested in artist issues, and still be a conservative? Help a lefty understand how someone on the right could smooth out the cognitive dissonance of their politics and their artistic pursuits/interests (or how there is no cognitive dissonance that arises at all) while knowing I'm not trying to insult anyone, just from my own standpoint, I don't know how else to frame the question.
Hi Greg;
It's easy. If you like the music, or if you are passionate about
something, you go and do it. Your personal politics, religion or lack
of won't play a part in it. At least it doesn't for me. I've never
been able to understand the left's claim of exclusivity for new music,
but I may well be missing something.
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