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Re: [microsound] State of Music

as always, incredibly cryptic for my incredibly small brain.

i'm not sure who's side you're on here but i have always sensed with your writing
that there is a very clear and self-conscious attempt to bring new kinds of
language to an academic environment so ridiculously out of touch with the times.
loops. remixing. resampling. waveforms. fastforward. rewind. pause. it's a good
thing.  but such an obvious ear to the underground also seems wrought with guilt,
afraid that this cleverly manufactured mix of street credibility and middleclass
whiteness might unravel one day, one tongue and cheek at a time. but i mean,
ultimately we're talking about a group collective mentality that's still trying to
decide whether or not the beatles were any good, never mind AGF or akufen.  while
i'm here, in this prison i pay for, They have to be made to feel insecure. to feel
out of touch.  They have to be force fed funk.  it's like brussel sprouts. but
ultimately it's in Their best interest. or is it? maybe They should figure it out
Themselves... i'm lucky enough to be studying with the One person who actually gets
It. and so i write for him and not the academy.  the whole 'soundform of knowledge'
shtick that attali was on about.  one has to reverse engineer the 'audible waveband
of the vibrations and signs that make up society' back into words again.  and,
inevitably and thankfully, it's not going to be a clear translation. you're going
to pick up some musical debris in the words. digital muck. language is not static.
there is no dictionary that can keep up with culture. trying running eshun through
the spellchecker.  every sentence, a system failure.... syntax error. undo.


p.s. beam it over when you're done:)

"tobias c. van Veen" wrote:

> dear G,
> > if the medium is truly the message, then we have to break out of standardized
> > academic writing. and if this means writing without capitals, writing one word
> > sentences, writing some
> > of it computer code, in java script, then so be it.
> Which, ironically or quite seriously, repeats the same form as the
> historical avant-garde: that different forms express different meanings, and
> that breaking with form forges or expresses new meaning. This is the key
> tenet of what some have pegged "modernism," which in its strict narrowness
> rarely questions the underlying form of expression (although avant-garde
> movements that prefigured "high modernism" _did_, such as DADA).
> In any case, is the structure of your box-breaking a repetition or a
> resampling? A rather individuated experience of breaking boundary, common to
> all Master's students writing theses, perhaps? Which would render its
> language games less precious and more general than we suppose?
> > i highly recommend 'more brilliant than the sun.' kodwo does this really
> well...
> While remaining intelligible and writing with capitals, mind you, in an
> aphoristic fashion sampled not only from record labels but Deleuze and
> Nietzsche, Sun Ra and George Clinton, the whole of AfroFuturism, which he
> rewrites in the process.
> New form or new sample?
>     What's the difference, chuck?
> cheers,
>     tobias
> ps. Currently in the last rewrite myself.
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