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Re: [microsound] [ot] development environment


( 05.01.26 22:17 -0500 ) david golightly:
> i'm slowly becoming disillusioned with Csound

well, i've always thought csound is better as a non-real [imaginary?]
time tool. for composers and their descendants. 

> supercollider and puredata seem to be the best two choices.  which
> should i learn first?


cross platform
active development
'cousin' of max
can do as much as you have brain to make it
open source

you'll need to work to get it to do what you want- but it can do pretty
much anything you'll want it to.

\js         ;~|+}\=       ]:>          http://or8.net/~johns .{)\. 
iraq body count: 15,493 [min] 17,721 [max] 

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