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[microsound] marc behrens + dj zipo tour
hi all,
please come by if and say hello if you are in one of those cities.
m a r c b e h r e n s + dj zipo tour
February 3, 2005, 21:00 h: Marc Behrens, Pe Lang and DJ Zipo, at Kunstraum
Walcheturm, Kanonengasse 20, Zürich, CH.
February 4, 2005, 21:30 h: Marc Behrens and DJ Zipo, at Cave 12, 12 Bd de la
Tour, Genéve, CH.
February 6, 2005, 23:00 h: Marc Behrens and DJ Zipo, at Sue Ellen Bar,
Galerie Dynamo, Wasserwerkstr. 21, Zürich, CH.
February 8, 2005, 21:00 h: Marc Behrens and DJ Zipo, at Fluc, Praterstern,
Vienna, A. More info from Skug magazine.
February 9, 2005, 18:00 h: Marc Behrens and DJ Zipo, at SPACE/Galéria
Priestor for Contemporary Arts, Somolickeho 1/B, Bratislava, SK (supported
by the Goethe-Institut Bratislava). Behrens' Video works will be exhibited
in the gallery until February 13.
February 11, 2005: Marc Behrens and DJ Zipo, at Galerie für Zeitgenössische
Kunst, Karl-Tauchnitz-Straße 11, Leipzig, D.
February 12, 2005, 21:00 h: Marc Behrens and DJ Zipo, at Sibirische Zelle,
Naugarder Str. 14, Berlin, D.
February 13, 2005, 21:00 h/concert 22:00 h: Marc Behrens and DJ Zipo, at
atelierfrankfurt/Hohenstaufenstr. 27, Frankfurt am Main, D.
a u f a b w e g en
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