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Re: [microsound] music from network traffic?

are you on linux?

cat the the iptables log to /dev/audio

On Tue, 1 Feb 2005 23:11:14 +0900, kath <aliak77@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> you might be interested in reading this article:
> http://mitpress2.mit.edu/e-journals/Leonardo/lmj/horton.html
> here's an excerpt..
> "Horton was a computer music pioneer who was active in the San
> Francisco Bay Area. His early work with microcomputers, beginning in
> 1976, was startlingly original. He incorporated ideas from artificial
> intelligence and radical music theory into his compositions and
> performances right from the very start. He was the first composer to
> postulate the idea of using computer networks to make music and
> created the first network music performance, with artist Rich Gold, in
> 1977. With John Bischoff and Rich Gold, he co-founded the world's
> first computer network band, the League of Automatic Music Composers,
> in 1978. He was also one of the first composers to use a computer to
> experiment with just intonation. Jim used the computer as an active
> partner in the musical process rather than an inert tool."
> maybe you could make a max patch and map the different source/dest ip
> addresses to different things eg volume/pitch/midi notes etc. I think
> there's some network traffic monitors that have audio monitoring so
> you can hear if the traffic gets heavy or light but I can't think of
> the names off the top of my head.
> cheers
> Kath
> On Tue, 1 Feb 2005 07:44:48 -0600, DaveX <daephex@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > has anyone come across a similar project, or could recommend methods for
> > turning sniffed network streams into 'found' music?
> >
> --
> http://www.aliak.com
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