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RE: [microsound] noise to signal (subjective...)

Dale and group,
I heartily agree with the need to converse about our art and music in a
community (like the Europeans).  I am attempting to start just that in
Denver.  I can think of little better than sitting around talking about art
and sound in a coffee shop, aside from listening.  I believe it is a symptom
of America's "rugged individuality" where we have learned to be
monads-seeking-fulfillment, rather than part of the larger history of art
and music evolving through time- for the sake of the sound.
I recently had a conversation/meeting with composers and performers Jonathan
Zorn and Rachel Thompson as they were passing through Denver.  It was very
enlightening for me.  It was great to talk to another about our similar
interests, but also got me thinking...  There are a lot of us who have
managed to be at least partially recognized within a lose community created
on the internet.  I imagine that most have been only marginally successful
as I have been in getting their music to an audience, though, I have come to
think that what we are doing sits squarely in the tradition of music and may
be honored for its vision sometime after we are all gone.  I believe that
through sharing our ideas via internet/electronic means, through quick
digital exchanges of sound and ideas, that we may just be involved in
creating a new school of music- a lose community based on our acquaintance
through the internet.  The more we can bring that into living vibration in
space, either through word of sound the better.

-----Original Message-----
From: dkl37@xxxxxxxx [mailto:dkl37@xxxxxxxx]
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2005 2:11 AM
To: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [microsound] noise to signal (subjective...)

Hi Scott,

I noticed your e-mail address.
Are you here in Seattle?
I think I would be more interested in making time to have discussions and
listening sessions in person more than online.
This because I already spend way too much time on the
computer (in seclusion) and it would be nice to actually interact with
who listen to, or are somehow involved with this kind of music, which is
the real rarity these days I believe, even in a supposedly "progressive"
town such as this one. It seems that artists in Europe have more of a
tendency to "hang out" and talk for hours about various things of
whereas here in the US, we do far less of this. Maybe we're *too busy
being busy*
to slow down more often than we do. But I for one, don't meet people in
this city very often that listen to the kind of sound work I listen to,
and release on and/oar, so I end up back on the computer talking to
and other labels (offlist).

Just a sidenote, due to working with Alluvial Recordings on a joint
effort, I've had some great conversations with Kevin Wienke in this
I think we've both been a bit starved for knowledgable conversation about
experimental/electronic sound work, so we tend to go on for hours on the
phone (long distance)... but it's worth every minute of it. I'm always
at the stories people have that would have otherwise never come up in
an e-mail. Like when Kevin was in Italy hanging out with Giancarlo
and then Paolo & Laura (of Logoplasm and S'agita Recordings). Then
we would discuss the sound work which John Hudak or Yannick Dauby
have been doing for the last few years... ;-)   Good times.

Best, Dale

 > meant to educate/curate/provoke-discussion? If list members actually
> attend a show that's mentioned on the list, how about some
> commentary?
> Again, these kinds of discussions are disappointingly rare.

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