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Re: [microsound] building blocks
Actually you are forgetting computer music ;=)
I dont think computer music (or electracoustic music) is lacking any
non-computer parts. But I think some of this kind of music released
lack well worked out composition/detailed implementation. At the same
time this is a difficult field - most are working alone and the same
person must master composition, sound design, the tools, mixing and
then mastering (preparing the end-mix so the artistic intentions
survive the intended distribution channel).
What I am looking for in a computer music tool is being able to, as
direct as possible, express the various methods/algorithms I have
selected to work with in a piece. Going direkt from a textbook to
getting sound out of the speakers. I've found tools such as Max/MSP and
Kyma work real well here (probably also PD and SC, never used them
though). This is especially true if I am working from (graphic)
You can do the same with Live and a bunch or other of VST:s but I
personally dont like working that way - it always seem to alienate me
from just thinking about the methods/algorithms and the composition.
2005-04-08 kl. 17.33 skrev Craque:
I think the essence of the discussion is that it's important to
emphasize the NON-computer parts of music making as well as the tools,
which is what I think is missing in a great deal of electronic music
these days.
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