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Re: [microsound] live vs memorex

On Apr 7, 2005, at 9:54 PM, Kim Cascone wrote:
I think the distinction between the two (i.e., 'live performance instrument' vs studio 'tool') is really a manipulation of perception or how a marketing dept spins a product...

Based a lot on my friend's experience with moving from ACID to Live, I think there's a bigger difference, and it has less to do with marketing than it does functionality.

There are things in Live you simply cannot do in ACID that make it better honed to live performance. The live effects manipulation is one, but there are many other aspects of Live which make it more like a looping sampler than ACID is. To my knowledge, ACID only has an arrange mode, which isn't even how a majority of people use Live in performance.

In the studio I suspect Live and ACID are more similar. But as a general rule, "live" performance tools are automatically studio tools, in my book.

I have a Repeater, and though it has plenty of good studio functionality, it's design helps it function best as a live instrument, and it was envisioned as one. Ableton Live has a similar history, having been written by active performers who needed a way to play their loops in a live setting. Its UI, like the Repeater, is especially customized with live activity in mind, and as a result it has incredible flexibility.


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