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Re: [microsound] building blocks


On Apr 7, 2005 12:34 PM, Alex Young <alex@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Open source projects are
> created for many reasons, not just experimentation, and I've found they
> often suffer due to a lack of foresight and good management.  Think:
> Debian, and currently the Linux Kernel (the BitKeeper fiasco).

hmm ...

what do you mean 'good management'-
the software makes money?
it's bloated with features?
it makes projected release dates?
it doesn't crash?
it makes efficient use of computing resources?

think: m$ word, m$ windows, m$ internet exporer

i don't know too many music examples because the last music software i
bought is 'finale' from mark of the unicorn [yes, i am *that* old
....]. i've been quite happy with csound, pd, audacity- in fact, it's
been the start of a renaissance for me in understanding digital signal

\js  [ http://or8.net/~johns/ ]

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