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Re: [microsound] Using PD for microsound (newbie)

Hi Anthony,

Anthony Saunders wrote:

I am getting an enormous number of these two errors while attempting to run Particle Generator under PD 0.38-3 on Mac OS X 10.3

You mean Particle Chamber ;-) Probably this discussion is better had on the PD list at this point, but I'll answer this one here and we can move over if it gets any deeper.

error: signal outlet connect to nonsignal inlet (ignored)
error: inlet: expected '' but got 'float'

What the first messages is literally saying is that objects which handle simple numbers don't like to receive audio signals in PD. The second one is saying that an object's inlet is expecting some other kind of message than the floating point number it is receiving.

This means that there was probably an error making an object somewhere, because I probably wouldn't make such a silly error in programming ;-) I suspect a missing external or nameclash problem. Does the patch still make sound?

Here's a few things to do:

1) Delete the reverb section using [freeverb~], save the patch as a copy and try opening that one. The [freeverb~] object was easy to find for all platforms when I wrote Particle Chamber a year and a half ago, but now it's kind of droppped out of sight. The reverb section is "optional" anyway. This alone migh fix both errors. I'm removing the [freeverb~] dependency from Particle Chamber for future releases, or else I will include binaries of the object for all platforms.

2) Look in the PD terminal and see if you find a message anywhere that says "could not create object". That means you are missing an external library somewhere. You can post me off-list with the name of the object and I can probably tell you what's missing.

3) You can use "Find" in the PD menu to find the last error, and it should open up whatever subpatch the last object which caused and error is in and highlight the object in blue. Let me know which object it is and we can fix this.

4) Check your externals. Most of the OSX installers out there include a large selection of PD externals, so they should be installed (unless you compiled from source, etc etc). In PD, you have to use a startup file which was called ".pdrc" in PD <=0.37 and is called ".pdsettings" in PD >=0.38. The "loadlib" flag tells PD which externals to load. Here is my ".pdsettings" file, located in my home directory (don't copy it directly, as I'm using differents paths and audio API!):

audioapi: 5
audioindev1: 0
audiooutdev1: 0
audiobuf: 50
rate: 44100
midiindev1: 2
midioutdev1: 0
path1: /home/derek/pd/rradical/memento
path2: /home/derek/pd/ix_toxy
path3: /home/derek/pd/berlin
standardpath: 1
verbose: 0
loadlib1: zexy
loadlib2: iemlib1
loadlib3: iemlib2
loadlib4: iem_mp3
loadlib5: iem_t3_lib
loadlib6: OSC
loadlib7: dyn~
loadlib8: maxlib
loadlib9: Gem
loadlib10: pdp
loadlib11: pidip
loadlib12: pool
loadlib13: pmpd
defeatrt: 0
flags: -stderr

Good luck!

derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl
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