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Re: [microsound] Using PD for microsound (newbie)

Anthony Saunders schreef:

The recent discussion of PD on this list is very welcome; I have been dipping my toes into the PD water again after having failed to get anything to work in earlier betas and am excited about the minor successes I've had in applying my max/msp knowledge to PD...

Is there an active community of OS X based PD users? A mailing list or web-board? Would it be worth installing linux on one of my ibooks to run linux PD or would that be basically pointless (is there more support & externals for PD-linux-PPC than PD-darwin-PPC?)

there is a very active community of pd users in general and the number of macosx users is growing. centre of the pd universe are the iem mailing lists ( http://iem.at/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/pd-list ), which are probably a better place for your questions concerning the support.
(apologies if you know all this already)



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