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Re: [microsound] micro directional speakers

----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Wright" <michaels.lists@xxxxxxx>
To: "microsound list" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 03:36
Subject: [microsound] micro directional speakers


Please, will someone make creative use of this before U2?!!

It's an interesting piece of technology. I know that Phillips have been experimenting with it in the past as well. I don't know if they still do but they used to see a big future for "directional sound". I believe that one of the problems (major) problems with this kind of equipment is the bass. They can synthesize the bass sound, but it's only in your head then. You can not actually feel it anymore. Personally I wouldn't mind that too much, especially when attending a concert of band where the bass usually up way too much for my taste.

But other than that I think it will give interesting applications for "live sound". With such a directional setup for each member of the audience each member can configure the sound how they see fit. "Want to hear it louder?" turn it up with your remote control! You think the drums are overpowering the rest of the sound, well adjust their volume a bit. Not the forget the usefulness for the performer(s) in question. No more bad performance because they couldn't hear what the other musicians were doing.

At any rate a very cool piece of technology with potential in terms of customization & creativity.

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