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Re: [microsound] outsider artists

Most of the time it's more than implied that these people are also
outsiders in society with perhaps veiled implication of mental
illness. One important factor is these people are compelled to

Although I think its easy to get into a stereotype situation with the insane creative genius (as insanity is a very relative social measurement to begin with), I would HIGHLY reccomend, if any of you are ever in the area of Lausanne, Switzerland, that you check out the Musée de l'Art Brut http://www.artbrut.ch/ that was established by the French painter Dubuffet. It's a visual, (unfortunately) not sonic place, but IMHO, it's the best visual art museum in Europe, bar none. Most of the works are by those diagnosed as clinically insane, schizophrenic, obsessive/compulsive -- but all are mind-blowing, literally and figuratively!

Inside/outside is all about social positioning.
it has nothing to do with the energized
expression itself (its materialization -- music,
visual, movement, etc), but everything to do with
the way the social matrix in which the individual
is embedded either accepts the form of the
expression or not.  "Ahead of her/his time" is
another facet of this concept.  It can also be a
matter of choice of the individual as well -- for
example, there is a guiding principle in the
concept "tactical media" that explicitly seeks to
remain out of view of the eye of the social media
system -- realizing that that attention DOES have
a deep effect on the process of expression
itself.  So that keeping OUT of view is a
strategy for survival of the orginating impulses
of creative action.

It is often the case that the dominant social
system cannot accept the unusual or strange
(unknown), and thus, by definition this lies
outside the social system.

I was always attracted by the "primitive" idea
that 'disturbed' people, especially
schizophrenics (our current term) were actually
of great value in the social system as they had
direct insight into another world...

Keep that in mind when you are NOT getting you
work accepted by that large dominant social
system that we are embedded in.  Personally, my
strategy has been to build a network, a
distributed system of humans which, collectively
is both my source, but also where I expend my
creative energy into...

fuck art(worlds), let's dance!


-- -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tech-no-mad::hypnostatic:: exploring the desert once again domain: http://neoscenes.net travelog: http://neoscenes.net/travelog/weblog.php -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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