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[microsound] inside out

isn't this of positivist position or sophistry? 

it isn't just a matter of one saying this is art,
which makes it "art". Art IS contextual, a
discourse/language, symbolic, etc. yes. 

But that doesn't mean it doesn't have truth-content or
truth-value to it.  In other words, there is a context
that from certain levels becomes simpler and/or more
complex, but nonetheless is a kind of public,
historical space.  And so, we can receive, enjoy,
ponder, get excited by, examine, judge, determine the
degree to which something is "art", seeking out the
truth to it -- what we think, feel.  

Same goes for the maker... 

Otherwise, it's just game playing. And then nothing
really matters. I mean competition is fun for a while
and all...


>maybe today, the moment you actually produce a work
>you are already 
>"inside" since there are no more pre-established
rules >for defining art 
>and non-art, other than context of reception

>so the moment you make a sound "as art" you are an
>insider (of 

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