Another problem is the term "outsider artist" was
created by gallery owners to commodify works made by
mentally disabled, elderly, or mentally ill artists.
Grandma Moses was considered an "outsider artist". If
you are looking to escape the realms of
commodification, being an "outsider" is of little to
no use. Henry Darger's work is now quite commodified.
Trust me.
Music as a cultural entity functions very differently
from visual art. There is less dependence on elite
establishments to confer status to musicians. It is
simply a matter of getting heard by various groups.
Also, you have varying degrees of "inside" with music.
You can be outside of mainstream pop, but inside of
the microsound community. The search for the outside
will simply lead to more insides. Shouldn't we rather
concern ourselves wih seeking out talent, new ideas,
and fresh uses of old tools?
Andrew Benson
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