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Re: [microsound] outsider artists

henry darger.  They just made an awesome documentary
about him.  He is the epitome of the "outsider"
romance that we as a culture are obsessed with.  The
ideal Artist in America is one who toils away in
obscurity forever, and only gets notoriety when the
poor landlord stumbles into your stank room
post-mortem.  I personally don't buy all this.  If
someone has quality work, we should celebrate their
> Maybe someone can provide a name but there was an
> artist who was 
> discovered after his death, when his landlord went
> to clear the unit of 
> his possessions, what he discovered was over forty
> years of work, large 
> sccrolling murals done in pen, ink and watercolour,
> the subject matter 
> was almost always children, sometimes the works
> could be miscontrued as 
> rather disturbing, almost of a pedophelic nature.
> does this strike a chord in any one?  anyone happen
> to know the 
> artist's name?  This to me is a great example of a
> true outsider making 
> art for himself, whatever the motivators are(I think
> he was disturbed 
> and the drawing were a part of his fantasy world)  I
> read about him in 
> collage eons ago.  Would like to find some more info
> on him now.  Im 
> shure there are plenty of similar examples.
> aLEKs

Andrew Benson

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