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Re: [microsound] outsider artists
> That's the clearest definition I've seen yet.
Clear but rather simplistic.
For a good little essay defining outsider music by Irwin Chusid see
my top 10 outsider musicians (in no particular order)
1. The Shaggs
2. Wayne
3. B.J Snowden
4. Congress Woman Malinda Jackson Parker
5. Wesley Willis
6. Lucia Pamela
7. Shooby Taylor 'the human horn'
8. Y. Bhekhirst
9. Bingo Gazingo
10. The Legendary Stardust Cowboy
Ian has already plugged the SAN cd but here is a link:
For those interested there is also an Outsider music discussion list.
More info on this can be found at www.keyofz.com
By the way I'm very glad to see a discussion of this here. I consider
outsider music to be a branch of sonic art. All of the artists I have
mentioned above, in my view, present the impossible and the
unimaginable in sound.
Anyone have any thoughts on outsider electroacoustic music? or outsider
sound art?
On 26 May 2005, at 14:21, Mr.D wrote:
> ...... Original Message .......
> On Wed, 25 May 2005 23:33:42 -0700 (PDT) andrew benson
> <cloudmachine99@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> In visual arts, an outsider artist is just someone who
>> didn't go to art school. Therefore, anyone who was
>> never formally trained in music would be deemed
>> outsider musician....
>> andrew
> ___
> http://craque.net
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