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Re: [microsound] ovalprocess - Average laptop geek?

It could be argued that on some level, all art is theft.

That said, it's understandable that there's some controversy around
people ripping off the sound other people's synth patches. Synthesizer
noise does have the potential to be quite unique - as we can see from
groups like the Boards - and that counts for something in terms of
compositional merit.

As with any creative work, it's one thing to be inspired by another
person's work, and to then emulate it and give it your own twist. It's
another thing to try to produce work that is specifically like someone
else's for the sake of being like them. That's lame, I think. In my
experience, those people tend to be more concerned with picking up
chicks than with furthering their craft. BO-RING!

I've been hard pressed to articulate specific rules about what's OK
and not OK to copy. On certain levels, I enjoyed even Kid 606's "The
Action-Packed Mentallist Brings You the Fucking Jams" (I hope it's OK
to say that here). I usually make the call on an individual basis,
because there are just so many variables at play.



On 5/24/05, aleks vasic <bvasic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On another note, what is with the fascination with presets(?), or more
> to the point, the process with which music is made on the computer?
> Why is it bad to use a Monolake preset that he tweaked for Absynth, or
> a Synth he created?
> As a musician am i expected to educate my self to the point that
> Monolake has inregards to sound engineering and electrical engineering
> in general?  Make my own synths and apps from scratch and what not?
> Is it cheating to play my compositions using his synth preset as one of
> the instruments?  Is it more "Ethical" to do so if i add some effects
> and what not?  Does introducing a traditional instrument like a guitar
> make using the Preset more valid?  Would it make the preset sound more
> interesting to you then?  Also when i go to play my guitar, should i
> feel that i am slighting my self because i do not know how to make a
> guitar?
> I do not see a difference between a preset and an instrument such as a
> guitar,  tens of millions of people play the guitar, as they have since
> the instruments inception.   Playing Styles come and go because we are
> all individuals , fortunately we all approach things differently.
> Shure if you use that handy dandy Boards of Canada sounding Synth
> patch/preset, and make some music that sounds like copy cat material,
> your not really broadening your horizons as an artist, that is said
> individuals problem tho.(great way to stagnate yourself creatively!)
> As has been stated these types of guys are going to exhist in every
> genre, then they fade away no harm done.  (Remember, someone is
> enjoying there work and then we get into a whole philosphical debate
> about objective opinions and the like...)
> Then there is the culture of the tweak freaks who give out high regards
> to some of the sound engineers out there resposible for some classic
> synths, new and old.  These guys dont spend countless of hours
> perfecting there presets just so you can erase them when you get your
> grubby hands on them.
> Its an art form of sorts.  Aphex is a big proponent of presets,
> inregards to his classic synth collection.  Most Computer/hardware
> musicians have soft spots for there favorite synth, because of how they
> sound.
> I just find it interesting that so many people in the Computer music
> world, wether it be Glicth/Microunds/Idm what ever, are so nuerotic
> about the process with wich the music was made.  This has never
> interested me outside of experimental music/micros sound, and even
> there its more the thought process inregards to the work that
> interest's me, not the process itself.
> The predominant factor in music for me is how it sounds, period.
> Wether its uber complex Flamenco guitar, Aphex ambient works, or
> Cephalic Carnage, its about the sound and what i get out of it, i could
> care less whether they made the album by sampling a years worth of
> bowel movements(Ok actually thats not all together the truth but i
> think you get my point!)
> aLEKs

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