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Re: AW: [microsound] richard devine sets some fancy keyboard alight...

On May 20, 2005, at 9:13 AM, bil bo wrote:

just before any of this pseudo-intellectual fanboyism goes any further,
regarding the brilliant and cutting edge interplay of primordial symbolism
and gesturally encrypted meaning, remember...

I find the term 'pseudo-intellectualism' to be rather questionable (not to mention offensive)

No, I think in this case the term was used appropriately. What Richard did was symbolic of squat, and all this ballyhoo about the above mentioned primordial symbolism is downright laughable. Art can be and often is highly intellectual, saturated with deep and vast social commentary, and that's fantastic, it's what it's all about. However, you do the art that does imply deeper meaning a grave disservice when you try and intellectualize an act that was not intended to be. The act was a) A publicity stunt, and b) An unscientific measure of the abuse the unit could withstand. Nothing more. Please stop over-analyzing, it makes you, and this list, look silly.

Sorry for the rant.


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