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[microsound] What's Your Favorite Netlabel?

my fav net label is thinner http://www.thinnerism.com/
follwing it constantly from their very own begining
high quality net label that are dealing with dubby click house sound
i just made mix out of their tracks for RADIA, trans-european radio network im member 
u can still catch the mix on some of radiostations that are in this network:
- radio.cult Friday 18:00, Sunday 18:00 http://www.radio.cult.bg/
- radio campus Saturdays 16:00  http://radiocampus.ulb.ac.be/
- riist  Wednesday 01:00, Saturday 20:00 http://radio.ist.utl.pt/
- kanal 103 Tuesday 23.00 (replay wednesday 00-01) http://www.kanal103.com.mk/
- orange Thursdays 15:00 

here is description about the mix and the label: 

at the beginning of the new century when the dub revival sound emerged in the contemporary electronic music and it reached the highest level, thinner was one of the most expanding labels pushing that sound beyond its borders. this trend of fusioning dub sound with contemporary dance styles emerged in berlin around the hard wax record store and labels maurizio, rhythm and sound, chain reaction. creating a new deep techno sound combined with dub. Than the labels like force tracks, ~scape, meteosound. took the idea and continued with it adding a contemporary production. thinner was one of the first net labels that deserves to be on same level like the above mentioned labels.
i have been continuously following their sound from the first release through the period of the fast development, and have been presenting on my radio programs where the constant change and variations of the sound could be easily noticed. they are persistently changing the combinations of styles in mixing dub sound with any other contemporary dance form, for instance: techno, house, clicks' n' cuts and even trance and ambient. and of course changing into production, following latest production accomplishments. every release is as fresh as can be, presenting the sounds of the moment. at the end of every year im making lists of the best albums, singles, artists and labels of that year. According to the originality, general achievements in music and approach, thinner was label of the year for 2002.
later thinner also started a sub label named autoplate, a base for more experimental sound excursions defined as 'music for headphones'. sometimes they are droney or dark ambient, but their sound is also very close to thinner duby ambiences. artists that release on thinner as well often provide their ambient work to autoplate.
i can freely say that it was amazingly hard to choose a selection of one hour of music from my favorite label for the last couple of years. a label from which i like all the stuff. nevertheless it was necessary to choose something for this mix. all these tacks are from the latest thinner releases and one from the autoplate release. they are all under creative common license. the sound varies from ambient and clicks n cuts to regular thinner duby house stuff. use it for after-hours, afterparties, chilling out, for deep dance floors and home parties or just for relaxing and yr own listening pleasure. enjoy!