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RE: [microsound] 4 new phoniq netlabel releases

1.<br>&gt;Sans Soleil - Sunlines<br>&gt;Michael Trommer

Sans Soleil, any relation to chris marker? one of my fav director/film makers, my girlfriend at the time had a 16mm print of sans soleil while in school for a bit, nothing beats watching that shit in your living room on a 16mm projector, spooning up next to your loved one. marker is also actually captured in a wim wenders film, making (i think sans soleil) called toyko ga, awesome awesome awesome film, personally one of my fav. wim wenders films./documentry, perfect, started as one thing then became something else altogether.

man fuck it...

bruce conner is one of my all time fav. experimental film makers, here is a random google link, he also made some really nice collage stuff... pre-industrial by about 20 years, super super dark.


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