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Re: [microsound] process [was :new autechre]

jeff gburek wrote on 5/9/05:

>commodification is first a process of the mind, a
>decision, discrimination, about quality solely in
>terms of marketability. can this be pulverized, is my

I ran across this in a wonderful book I'd recommend: _Shoveling Smoke:
Advertising and Globalization in Contemporary India_ by William

"But just as the rationalized extraction of labor power from the living
body of the worker can never completely exhaust his or her concrete
being, so the commodification of culture - as "lifestyle" - can never
comfortably or completely emcompass the life-worlds upon which it draws.
On one level, the process of commodification requires a suspression of
embodied idiosyncrasies and local conjunctures - the particularity of
use-value is in this sense subordinated to the generality of exchange
value. On another level however, commodification NEEDS the concretion
and tangibility of objects and people - a "corporeal index" of sorts -
to lend credibility to its abstract claims.

....Caught between embodiment and abstraction, the process of
commodification is not simply "flawed." Rather the very attractiveness
of consumer commodities in some sense arises out of their uncanny
INABILITY to reify completely the materials upon which they draw."


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