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Re: [microsound] new autechre

On 04/05/05 22:52, graham miller said in living color:

> just heard it in the music store... what a tedious piece of algorithmic
> pretension... i can't wait to miss the toronto show... blech.

I went to the show in Lyon and I thought Autechre were absolutely fantastic.
Liked it even more than the show they did in Montreal in 2001.

Of course, Autechre live is a totally different beast than Autechre on
record. And what a beast it is... What tremendous control/mastery...
Beautiful sounds... (I recall a wonderful sequence where, suddenly, the
sound stage was cleared for a "pad" sounding something like a fifth
interval, sliding downwards and "intelligently" accumulating in the process
some of the "slid-through" tones -- a moment of mesmerizing beauty... and
when you thought the sequence would simply end like that, an almost
meditative moment of "rest" amidst this kinetic workout, a grinding beat
structure was added to the mix -- total hysteria.) Surprising transparency
given the complex layering of sound elements -- always busy, but never
messy. Very nice flow. The music was really hard-hitting, too... and *fast
moving*. As they say, bring your dancing shoes. I could go on and on, but
I'll spare you all.

I haven't heard the new release yet, so I can't comment on that.

I was looking forward to hear SND... but I was a little disappointed by what
I heard. Not *bad*, but not enough for me... Their main preoccupation seemed
to be to eschew the downbeat. And slightly move around the meter small
melodic/rhythmic units, until it comes full circle (you know: on the beat,
slightly after the beat, a little bit more after, etc. until it's back on
the beat). Well, OK, nice enough, but the formula (that's really what it
was) gets tired/tiring after a few tracks.


Guillaume Grenier - grenier.g@xxxxxxxxxxxx

"Things are more like they are now than they ever were before."

(Dwight Eisenhower)

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