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Re: [microsound] algorithmic hardware

Jan L.;
> isnt all digital electronics analog? its how you use it that makes it
> dijital.

Quite true, but that´s mostly a rather accedemical point. When bundles of
banaplugs and a Serge modular are involved one tends to be more conciously
aware of this... Also; when the digital signals are within (what we
conventionally call) a computer they are inherently clocked while that need
not be the case for a purely analog D-A converter where you can for example
perform continuous pw modulation on the input signals (recomended).

In general you are completely right and I think this is a often overlooked
little bit of trivia. Because the terminology is far more black &white then
the reality many people get quite surprised when they hear bbd-based analog
delays need a anti-aliassing filter and that you can open them to adjust
this filter and have some fun...


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