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Re: [microsound] Underground/experimental digital video on the net

another link

from www.audioespacio.com

pedro jiménez

Michael North escribió:
There is a site up here in Canada run by the public broadcaster CBC that
encourages uploads of content...you have to register first...it's free...and
they provide up to 200 MB of space...they are into video mostly but do have
all sorts of stuff online...and if they like the stuff it may get played on
TV, at which point I believe they pay you....the site is


//*-----Original Message-----
//*From: mhwrpc@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:mhwrpc@xxxxxxxxxxx]
//*Sent: Friday, July 08, 2005 5:20 AM
//*To: microsound
//*Subject: Re: [microsound] Underground/experimental digital video on the
//*I recently made a digital video/audio piece that I am pretty happy with
//*and would like to share with others.  However, it is a 197MB mpeg file,
//*13 minutes of visuals and sound and I'm not sure how to post it or if it
//*is practical for most people to download.  Anyone who is interested in
//*seeing/hearing it, or who might have suggestions about the best way to
//*make it available for download, please feel free to contact me on or off
//*list.  The only thing I can think of to compare the piece to that I have
//*seen would be a film called "Decasia" that I saw a couple of years ago or
//*the films of Stan Brakhage.  The aesthetic is one that I think would
//*definitely appeal to those with a taste for all things "microsound".  I
//*have been observing/participating in this list for a while, but have not
//*shared any of my work, largely out of a sort of laziness.....again, I'm
//*just not sure what the best way to do it is.  My audio pieces tend to be
//*longer/larger files and I do not have a website as of yet.  Would love to
//*receive some suggestions/advice and to share my work with the community.
//*Thank you, MHW

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