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Re: [microsound] Are all electronic music related writers bad writers?
well it is easier to chuck out lazy adjectives and
superlatives than think about whats going on. the
"electronic music press" doesnt really exist in a
formal way in the uk, the wire seems to be into some
kindof twee folk revival-no disresopect to folk music,
but its not why i used to buy the wire, for example. i
dunno, i mean its quite nice to read a big article
about xyz muso in the wire, but its too easy to get
seduced / seduce yourself into that experience as
opposed to getting off your arse and going to see the
relevant person in question. not that the live music
inductry-and it is an industry-is much better frankly.
this is why people like warehouse parties, or used
to-theres a fair bit of shitey behaviour goes on at
some 'free'/illegal events, intimidation and the like.
but i'm getting off the point. the best thing i can
say is if i'm reviewing a cd or whatever, i just try
to be honest. and i try not to review stuff i dont
actually like. but then i'm not paying a mortgage/rent
by writing about music. mind you, Kodw Eshun seems to
do quite well, he seems to take up a more analytical
position so i guess its possible. but then he has his
pet hates too, "the bovine sense of blokes
together......putting the brakes on the breaks"
--- Neil Wiernik <neil@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> its not all bad I find that the writters in the
> smaller local weeklies to
> be a bit weaker then the "pros" but forthe most part
> I dont see what your
> seeing at all.
> On Sat, 24 Sep 2005, Adam Young wrote:
> > Has anyone else noticed how terribly articles and
> press materials and
> > things are written? Reviews, press, just about
> everything.. I'm no
> > professional myself but i've seen some pretty
> ridiculous stuff out
> > there. The number one thing I see is convoluted
> run-ons full of 88%
> > adjectives, among other things.
> >
> > Anybody care to wager a guess why it's all so
> embarrassingly poor?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ================================
> naw/neil wiernik
> artist site:
> www.naw.phoniq.net
> releases available on:
> www.noisefactoryrecords.com
> www.pertin-nce.com
> projects:
> www.vagueterrain.net
> www.phoniq.net
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