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Re: [microsound] unintentional sound
On Sep 13, 2005, at 4:33 PM, Bill Jarboe wrote:
hi isjtar,
another guy who used to show up on this list quite alot and who
i've worked with a little is john hudak .http://www.johnhudak.net
he did an installation once where trees made video which was converted
to sound or something like that though i have a wild imagination
sometimes; maybe that was just what i was hoping .
he did indeed do something just like that. i've performed many times
with john,
and we have occasionally done process pieces where we set up a system
and then interacted with it. an example was a piece titled
"modifications 3"
which we did at phill niblock's experiemental intermedia back in 2001.
we had
a feedback system where the audio john was producing was affected by my
video, and my video was affected by his audio. on the other hand, we
have also
done a few guitar duets, like the piece we did at the 2003 festival of
mixology at
performing garage, which were more straightforward improvisations with
instruments. john recently did a short max/msp piece for my space in
the brooklyn navy
yard that used some of the randomization features of max. i have a quad
system in my
space there and the four channels moved quite beautifully in the space.
a nice example
of a system set up and left on its own.
bruce tovsky
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."
Philip K. Dick
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