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Re: [microsound] Serious Artist?
he was a fairly serious architect- took himself and his work quite
seriously. however, there are many architects who take their work [and
themselves] very seriously and do not leave the legacy that frank
lloyd wright did. so maybe being serious is not the most important
thing about being an artist ...
Wether someone is ground breaking or not, or leaves a legacy behind is
irrelevant. My point is being serious about what you do allows you to
accomplish more. Accomplishing more is usually a good thing for any
aren't you taking the hard line here- insisting that being 'serious'
is important for an artist?
No, i do not think so. Again i think you achieve more. I do not imply
in any way that serious means no fun. But i think being a slack ass
who realizes a tenth of his/her potential is a waste.
hmm, well sex is/was a huge motivation to both ... so maybe, in this
regard, they are more alike than their artistic output would lead you
to believe ...
While your response is entertaining, i still do not think you can
compare Pablo Picasso to Paris Hilton. But i must say that Paris does
look a lot better when viewed in the dark with night vision then Pablo
would. "Nobody ever called Pablo picasso and asshole" A prize to
anyone that can name the band that sang that song!
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