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Re: [microsound] Serious Artist?


On 9/14/06, aleks vasic <bvasic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I think there is a huge difference in regards to what motivates Paris
Hilton, and what motivates someone like Pablo Picasso

hmm, well sex is/was a huge motivation to both ... so maybe, in this regard, they are more alike than their artistic output would lead you to believe ...

What about Frank Loyd Wright, who spent a lifetime exploring the
possibilities of the aesthetic of design and architecture, why do
people like this achieve so much?

well, frank lloyd wright's early career was not nearly so ground breaking as the latter part of it.

he was a fairly serious architect- took himself and his work quite
seriously. however, there are many architects who take their work [and
themselves] very seriously and do not leave the legacy that frank
lloyd wright did. so maybe being serious is not the most important
thing about being an artist ...

i just find it very
disappointing when i hear fellow artist's. or anyone for the matter
take such a hard line in regards to anything creative.

aren't you taking the hard line here- insisting that being 'serious' is important for an artist?

\js  [ http://or8.net/~johns/ ]

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