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Re: [microsound] the power of sound

a interesting list of papers and research projects on that topic can
be found here:

Acoustic Trauma - Infrasound and Low FrequencyWeapons
(compiled by alex davies)

best, carsten

Hi microsounders,
I have found an interesting text :
Genghis Khan, for all practical purposes, conquered most of Asia
with 2 divisions of cavalry of some 20,000 each. Aside from the
various military tactics which he invented and/or employed, he also
utilized what can be loosely described as the ?power of sound.?
It is my understanding that each organ in the human body will
resonate/vibrate in response to specific (or discrete range of)
sound waves. (At a cellular level, this is also true of light but I
digress.) Getting back to Genghis, when entering battle he had his
cavalry/troops do 2 things, one of which was to shout/yell at a
specific pitch (frequency?).
According to various body-workers that I am familiar with, different
emotions ?reside? or are stored in different parts of the body.
Stress resides in the bladder. Examples: As a child, kids can get so
scared or nervous they pee in their pants; animals will urinate when
over excited etc.
When Genghis? troops entered battle and specific yells were heard by
the enemy, it must have been very disconcerting to have them
urinating etc uncontrollably. Obviously, his troops enjoyed an
enormous psychological edge ie (+) them and (-) the enemy.



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