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Re: [microsound] popcorn

R U serious?


On Dec 4, 2006, at 10:17 AM, Kyle Klipowicz wrote:

If you happen to snag commercials, aren't you entitled to a fee for
"broadcasting" them?


On 12/3/06, Damian Stewart <damian@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

msglists@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> "Taking it seriously" is another issue entirely. This would involve
> *actively* challenging current opinions regarding copyright law and not
> voting for those who support and vote for copyright continuums and
> laws like the individual-restrictive, industry-favorable DMCA.

I suspected that's what you meant, I just thought I'd play up the other
angle ;-)

I have built an instrument in Pure Data that is basically a
live-sampling mellotron: it takes an audio feed, partitions based on
perceived pitch, and maps it to a 12-semitone scale which I can then
play using a MIDI controller keyboard.

I intend to perform by plugging this instrument in to the radio waves,
using it as a base for building looped improvisations. The radio is both
a good way of getting fresh and unexpected audio data, rather than just
relying on prerecorded samples, but also demonstrates virtuosity, one
quality that is often perceived to be missing from laptop performance.

Question is, how does something like this fall under present copyright

Damian Stewart
+64 27 305 4107

f r e y
live music with machines

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