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Re: [microsound] popcorn
If you happen to snag commercials, aren't you entitled to a fee for
"broadcasting" them?
On 12/3/06, Damian Stewart <damian@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> msglists@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > "Taking it seriously" is another issue entirely. This would involve
> > *actively* challenging current opinions regarding copyright law and not
> > voting for those who support and vote for copyright continuums and
> draconian
> > laws like the individual-restrictive, industry-favorable DMCA.
> I suspected that's what you meant, I just thought I'd play up the other
> angle ;-)
> I have built an instrument in Pure Data that is basically a
> live-sampling mellotron: it takes an audio feed, partitions based on
> perceived pitch, and maps it to a 12-semitone scale which I can then
> play using a MIDI controller keyboard.
> I intend to perform by plugging this instrument in to the radio waves,
> using it as a base for building looped improvisations. The radio is both
> a good way of getting fresh and unexpected audio data, rather than just
> relying on prerecorded samples, but also demonstrates virtuosity, one
> quality that is often perceived to be missing from laptop performance.
> Question is, how does something like this fall under present copyright
> law?
> --
> Damian Stewart
> +64 27 305 4107
> f r e y
> live music with machines
> http://www.frey.co.nz
> http://www.myspace.com/freyed
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