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Re: [microsound] strategic alliance

try jit.dx.grab it will digitize video from an external source using
native windows routines



> Well I'm pretty sold on the open source GEM+PD combination on WinXP,
> so I personally can't see much advantage to be gained from using
> jitter, I think Gem can do anything jitter can do... for free... I
> don't actually own Max and jitter, it was a friend who owned it.
> Anyway to explain the problem more clearly: my friend who had the
> webcam problem, and I attempted to help. Basically, it turns out that
> the webcam has to support quicktime. The Cycling 74 site says, "In
> general, any video device that works with QuickTime should work with
> Jitter. If your device isn't working, there may be a driver problem,
> or a hardware problem, or (although we really hope not) a problem with
> jit.qt.grab."
> If it doesn't, you are supposed to try running this software called
> The Win VDIG, but it didn't work when we tried. The website says:
> "With WinVDIG QuickTime applications can capture video on Windows
> 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. WinVDIG creates a QuickTime Video Digitizer
> (VDIG) for each camera on the computer. This includes USB cameras, PCI
> capture boards and DV cameras."
> Bottom line, I know Windows sucks, but only doing video via QuickTime
> does not make for a good port of the software in my opinion. (Compare
> jitter to vvvv which uses DirectX ...)
> ~David
> On 3/28/07, bruce tovsky <bruce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On Mar 28, 2007, at 5:28 PM, David Powers wrote:
>> > On the other hand, if Jitter worked better with Win it could be really
>> > cool.
>> hi david
>> i'm surprised that you've had problems with jitter on windows, my
>> friend adam kendall does great stuff with his pc laptop, webcams and
>> jitter live all the time. maybe look him up on the max list and see
>> what his secret is...
>> cheers
>> bruce
>> bruce tovsky
>> www.skeletonhome.com
>> "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."
>> Philip K. Dick
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