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Re: [microsound] Getting started

Your missing my point.

Your cracks are not everyones cracks. On average the real Mcoy is more solid then the cracks are. Its a black and white issue really.

Im glad that you had a good experience with your cracked apps, or have not tried things with your cracked software yet that will crash it, but i find it hard to believe that you would argue that cracked software is more stable then the original. Or that your CD wont be registered by someone else, or who knows how many things can go wrong. You, personally have been able to enjoy those apps without frustration, which is a beautiful thing. Unfortunately not everyone is so lucky.

All i know is that i have spent less then 400 bucks for Reaktor 4 and 5 together in the last 3-4 years and it has been well worth it. Just for the access to the gold mine of great information that the forums give you, makes the investment worth it. If i dont understand something, or need direction, or some edubumacation on a matter i need only ask and guys with really big heads are they to help me understand.

No software is flawless, your right about that. But from years and years of using all sorts of software from graphics, to video, animation, and beyond, i will take the legitimate version over the rest any day. I dont need the hassles.


On May 14, 2007, at 7:20 PM, Xdugef wrote:

There are three or four cracks I keep handy and they are all fine...
never any problem.. they are as stable or unstable as the software on
the install disc with a legit serial number... why?!??! cause the
software is not mangled and I'll only use keygens so....

I know people can get superstitious about these things so I hear where
you are coming from. But I also know people that will keep running the
same old software that they bought legitmately until it will no longer
run or is buggy as hell cause it's so old to the point where they might
as well use crack... it'll be better than the old shit they got.

or I know companies that have legit software but are paranoid about
installing updates and migrating to knew version for fear of
interupting their workflow.. I'm reluctant to "buy" into this concept
that legit software is flawless simply because you paid for it.

Consider China, Microsoft is fuming because the entire freakin' country
uses pirated software yet their economy is booming... go figure.

If I took a hundred pieces of software and installed them on two
different computers with the same installer, one with legit serial
numbers and one with generated numbers I'd expect them to work the

I mean do you really expect windows will work better because it's not
cracked? ;-)

If an industry is life or death based on wether or not your software
works then personally I would get out of that business. ;-) The only
one that really comes to mind is being a soldier.

The main thing about Reaktor and MAX etc is that they have much smaller
user bases and are smaller companies. Does that make it easier to
rationlize spending more money on them? It also means that there are
fewer brainiac crackers out there to come up with keygens for these


--- aleks vasic <bvasic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On average cracked software is not as stable as the real Mcoy.

Take a hundred cracks and run them on 100 identical computers.

Then take a hundred legitimate copies and run them on the same 100
identical computers.

Which phase of the experiment will have the most amount of crashes?

Would you stake your life upon the results?


On May 14, 2007, at 6:01 PM, Xdugef wrote:

...why not say the cracks you've used of Reacktor were unstable...
cause not all software works the same way.


--- aleks vasic <bvasic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:



I disagree.  Cracked software is almost never as stable as the
Mcoy.  I know there is always an exception to the rule, but i
stick with the law of averages.  Ever try to load a cracked
Reaktor into another software app as a VST instrument?  Wow talk
unstable.  The Legit version lets you do so on the fly, multiple
instances even!  This kind of stuff requires the most recent
all apps involved usually, a big road block if your studio is full

cracked apps.(thats why old school hardware rocks, GO NORD!)

I also do not like to scour the net for serial#'s every time an
comes out, even if its a minor one.

The time between Reator 4 and Reaktor 5 was about 3 years.  During
time many upgrades came out that were free and added an amazing
of content to the program, not to mention the amazing work done by
community regulars themselves.

It also allows you to install Reaktor to multiple machines.

I like PD and Max and the endless amount of other software as
unfortunately life keeps me from enjoying them all.  Bottom line
that do what you can afford to.  If you cant afford to buy
like this, then use the great open source options out there, or
ever other nebulous means to get your work to the next level.  I
upon pirating software, a point of reference thing i guess(work),
understand why people do so( i have as well in certain points of


On May 14, 2007, at 5:30 PM, Xdugef wrote:

--- aleks vasic <bvasic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Legit software is also much more stable and you always get to
most current version.

mmm.. that may be true about some applications but most cracks
days use serial number generators and you can many times get the
current version before the offical release date.

I'm not advocating using cracked software but just pointing out
fallacy that "cracked software is inherently flawed".

Also you only get to use the most current verion if you buy it or
the upgrades. It seems like the strategy of most large software
these days is to release software that they know is flawed or
features so that they can charge you for upgrades later...on a
once or twice a year. Plus you usually have little freedom to
software to a second computer or you can but you have get
permission to
do so. Some companies will charge you an arbitrary relocation
fee... so
if you have the option to get a USB dongle then do so.. it will
you a headache if you have machine problems and need to use a
computer at 3 on a sunday morning.

But to get back on target.. PD is free right???.. if you can wrap
mind around it then try it out, it won't cost you anything and is
completely legit. After trying it out if you want MAX then
will be easy or easier.

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