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Re: [microsound] tinnitus?
thanks for everyone's advice. I've also got specially designed earplugs with good filters.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 09:35:30 -0400
> Von: bruce tovsky <bruce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> An: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Betreff: Re: [microsound] tinnitus?
> hi christoph
> i've dealt with tinnitus for many years, and sadly there is no cure,
> though if you google it you will find many ideas about diet,
> vitamins, herbs, etc. as you know, in a normal noisy environment the
> problem is masked by environmental sound, but get into a quiet room
> and it can be painful. i was in the IRCAM anechoic chamber a few
> years back and i had to get out of there fast - it was like a siren
> going off in my head. definitely follow the advice to see an
> audiologist, and keep earplugs handy for situations where you might
> be exposed to high decibel sound. i use a pair of e.a.r. plugs with a
> special passage that allows some hi-end through, so you can hear full
> spectrum but at a much reduced volume. nice for concerts.
> good luck
> bruce
> On Sep 26, 2007, at 8:20 PM, Christoph Marek wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > Has anyone of you ever suffered from tinnitus? If yes, what's your
> > strategy to conquer it?
> > I'm a musician in various experimental fields (also djing) and got
> > tinnitus from a concert a few years back. it got slightly better,
> > but as a musician, composer and performer you got certain noise
> > levels you just cannot avoid. I am wearing specially configured ear
> > plugs when playing live and going out though. If I'm in a totally
> > noise- and sound-free room (imagine a totally closed toilet or
> > sth.) I can clearly hear a sound - like some far away white noise -
> > in my ears. I just cannot remember how it was before I got tinnitus
> > or whether it's normal to hear at least sth. I mean what's normal
> > hearing anyway? I think that most long time musicians hear some
> > kind of extra noise produced by their ears/brain. I imagine hearing
> > music without this extra must be much more powerful. Sometimes when
> > I am not exposed to music for a week when I am back playing and
> > listening the sounds are much more intense. just like after a diet
> > or sth.
> > Unfortunately I started goin to gigs when I was very young and back
> > then I was quite careless, no earplugs, standin in the front rows etc.
> >
> > thanks and kind regards,
> >
> > christoph
> >
> > --
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> bruce tovsky
> www.skeletonhome.com
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