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Was this unpleasant blast of hostility and profanity neccessary?

I think you may be the one who needs to relax Sir.


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On Oct 2, 2007, at 9:40 AM, aleks vasic <bvasic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:



I could have said a one dollar pair of prescription glasses compared to a million dollar pair of glasses and the end result would still have been the same. You get my point eh?

I cant believe the amount of pissed off emails to deluge my In box. And yes i do have prescription glasses for when i am on the computer, and they cost me 50 bucks after my Health Insurance did its part. I know most Insurance plans or many dont cover glasses much or at all, but fuck even if i was just way off, or mispoke does it really garner the strife that flooded my inbox? Its not like the discussion was about exact pricing of eye wear and prescription wear.

For the more dense on the list i will spell my point out for you...

First, here is Grahams post where he brings up a good point. This is what i was responding to...

"""can you put a price on your hearing?

if it makes you feel better, look at the astronomical costs of sunglasses and prescription eyewear...

people seem to have no problem dropping that kind of cash to protect their eyes... how are ears any different?


His post struck a chord in me because its a great example of how vain people can be. Where someone would be willing to part with a crap load of money to look cool, but arent willing to spend the time or money to search down some earplugs, which will actually benefit them by saving their hearing and cost them a fraction of the price of the uber cool Designer specs.

Are some of you people that dense that you cant follow a conversation/debate/thread as a whole, but instead fixate on a price point used as an example(which was totally fictitious)

And why would it invoke such hostility?

Sorry to be so terse but this whole experience has truly blown my mind. I should add that not all the people that emailed me were rude. Some were very respectful and were more curious about wether i actually wore glasses or what not. To those polite people i apologize for upsetting you in any way, it was never my intention to do so.

The rest of you crass ignorant trolls should take a deep breath and re-fucking-lax.



On Sep 28, 2007, at 8:59 AM, aleks vasic wrote:

Eye wear is Aesthetic vanity. An 80 dollar pair of prescription glasses do the same thing as its 1000 dollar counterpart, as do 10 dollar cheap-ee sun glasses , when compared to the uber expensive * (insert high fashion eye wear brand of your choice here)* I would like to think that many of those purchases are fashion based.

Thats the kicker, design some earplugs that can make someone look cool, or help them accessorize their outfit. Then people will buy earplugs, of course not to protect their hearing, but to look cool. The Human race is the best!


On Sep 27, 2007, at 10:41 AM, Graham Miller wrote:

can you put a price on your hearing?

if it makes you feel better, look at the astronomical costs of sunglasses and prescription eyewear...

people seem to have no problem dropping that kind of cash to protect their eyes... how are ears any different?


On Sep 27, 2007, at 6:54 AM, Manannan Mac Lir wrote:

I'm havin the same problem, Poured some water from the shower in my ears on monday and now every time I swallow I get that clickin thing. Lookin into gettin some good earplugs, 250 euros is the price i've found but I
figure I'll need em, been havin trouble at every gig I been at even
completely acoustic ones, anyone knows a reasonable peice 4 earplugs lemme know if 250 too big, listenin to David Torn's new album Prezens,
been likinit a lot

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