Best, Visa Visa Kuoppala kirjoitti:
I have Kontakt - it's great, albeit a little bloated. Unfortunately the development has been going more towards a sample-player/rompler than a creative sound-mangler. It's still the most flexible sampler on the market, but experimental musicians are clearly not the first priority in its development.A sleeker alternative that *is* actually aimed at creative sample-mangling is the Vember Audio Shortcircuit - check out the free version. If the long-overdue SC2 ever gets released, that might just be the number one tool for creative sample manipulation.Best, Visa justin deming kirjoitti:anyone out there using kontakt? i had a quick question for kontakt users. im looking for software that easily allows me to put smooth granular effectsinto my programming without having to switch back and forth through sequencer lanes or outside processing. in other words, effects through automating knobs or buttons while having all the sequencer data in onewindow. i hate having to program stuff and then bounce things, process, andthen put it back in to get the desired effects. or having different software samplers up that only do reversed sounds because my main sampler wont do it on the fly. i want it all in the same place. does kontakt do this? J
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