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Re: [microsound] why does iTunes suck...

I am working on it myself aLEKs... :-)

And thank you for mentioning Andy Goldworthy... I've dived back into his work once again and am touched by it. I actually saw the documentary well after discovering his work, and it didn't alter my appreciation of it, altho discovering processes can add to the attraction indeed.

On Oct 30, 2007, at 11:56 AM, aleks vasic <bvasic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

See Joel, im not so bad. ;)

Sometimes things that are illogical or in no way positive are hard to ignore, at least for me. But i am only human and hopefully one day i can ignore stuff like that.


On Oct 30, 2007, at 2:51 PM, Joel Justice wrote:

LOL.  It's just amazing.

Sent from iPhone

On Oct 30, 2007, at 11:31 AM, Philippe Jelli <philippe@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:


these people still exist ???

this will for sure raise the level on this list ...


Philippe Jelli • mutin asbl
140 chaussée de Haecht • 1030 Bruxelles

On 30 Oct 2007, at 19:15, Vid Jeraj wrote:

hi all

why am I not interested at all of mac users problems? cause all you guys are used to send viruses, worms and other bugs of there to this list. in that respect, I don't give a damn of your iTunes problems.

Sinc3r3ly Y0urs/ srdacn0 va5,

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